Project R is a Switzerland-based cooperative fighting for independent journalism, freedom of expression, public debate and a functioning democracy.
We are reclaiming journalism as a profession and are creating a new business model that places our readers at the center. Our digital magazine «Republik» (in German) launched in January 2018. «Republik» is reader-owned, independent and ad-free.
Project R is an open-source cooperative, and we share our knowledge, software and business insights with other projects who also want to foster democracy and free speech around the world.
In May 2017, we collected about € 3.1m in a crowdfunding campaign in which we sold nearly 14'000 memberships. We started publishing in January 2018 and now have over 20'000 members that support our mission.
Read more about our crowdfunding here:
Columbia Journalism Review: ‘Startup that promises ‘no-bullshit journalism’ nets serious cash’.
Our manifesto sums up what we stand for. Download the manifesto here.
Here you can donate and read more about «Republik».
Aktuelles – Manifest – Jobs – English
Project R Genossenschaft
Sihlhallenstrasse 1
8004 Zürich
Michel Huissoud, Karin Landolt, Nina Scheu und Moritz Zumbuehl
Project R Genossenschaft
Sihlhallenstrasse 1
8004 Zürich
Raiffeisenbank Winterthur
IBAN: CH06 8080 8006 3318 5396 1